Former AT VANCE Singer To Release Solo Album

February 18, 2005

Former AT VANCE singer Oliver Hartmann (AVANTASIA, AINA, GENIUS) will release his solo debut, "Out in the Cold", on April 25 via Frontiers Records.

"For me, it's a kind of permanent step to compose and produce for my solo releases," stated the German singer and guitar player. "Although the material is maybe a little different compared to what I've done in the past, I'm really looking forward to my solo works. This is the first time I was taking care of being the songwriter and main musician of this project. So I had the possibility to combine my own musical roots with different influences without being limited by a bands or a project style."

Under the guidance of famed producer Sascha Paeth (RHAPSODY, KAMELOT, ANGRA, EDGUY, etc.),Hartmann was able to record a mature rock album which showcases his amazing vocal and songwriting abilities. Blending such diverse influences coming from the British AOR sound of classic STRANGEWAYS and early DARE, to the classic hard rock of WHITESNAKE, RAINBOW and GIANT, "Out in the Cold" shows anyway an original and peculiar approach that privileges the emotional aspect. The baroque string arrangements (courtesy of Miro) are also one of the most intriguing aspects of an album that can be listened tirelessly. Helping Oliver are famed German musicians such as Bodo Schopf (MSG) on drums and Armin Donderer (PARADOX) on bass.

"Out in the Cold" track listing:

01. Alive Again (mp3 clip)
02. Out In The Cold (mp3 clip)
03. Brazen (mp3 clip)
04. The Same Again
05. I Will Carry On
06. What If I
07. How Long
08. The Journey
09. Who Do You Think That You Are
10. Listen To Your Heart
11. Can You Tell Me Where Love Has Gone
12. Into The Light

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