Former L.A. GUNS Bassist SCOTTY GRIFFIN Says He Was 'Unceremoniously Sacked' From The Band

September 22, 2014

Ex-L.A. GUNS bassist Scotty Griffin says that he was "unceremoniously sacked" from the veteran rock act, despite his former bandmates' suggestion to the contrary.

L.A. GUNS announced earlier today that Griffin and the band "decided to part ways," adding that the group was welcoming back Kenny Kweens as Scotty's replacement.

"As our bassist off and on. for the past seven years, including our latest release, 'Hollywood Forever', Scotty has been a true road warrior, a stellar musician, and a better friend," the statement from L.A. GUNS read. "We wish him all the best in his future endeavors."

Several hours after his exit from L.A. GUNS was made public, Griffin took to his Facebook page to refute the band's claim that the split was amicable. He wrote: "First off, I'm a horrible liar. If you don't believe me, ask any of my ex-girlfriends...

"And since that is true, the thought of living some lie or half-truth, even for the benefit of others involved is very uncomfortable for me.

"To get right to the point, contrary to what has been written, me not being in L.A. GUNS anymore was not a mutual decision at all. I was kicked out, plain and simple. Or, as it was exactly worded, 'Phil [Lewis, L.A. GUNS singer] has decided the band is going to move forward without you.'

"Why it was posted as 'Scotty Griffin and the band have decided...' is beyond me. I was never part of this decision. I never knew this decision was being made, and I never wanted, nor ever said I wanted to leave L.A. GUNS.

"I know a good thing when I see it and L.A. GUNS was a great thing. I loved the music, I loved the travel, I loved the people I met, and I loved the band and everybody in it. I had NO intentions of giving any of that up.

"Although I can't say for sure WHY I was let go (I have yet to be given a reason),I do have a few theories. But since they are only theories, there's no point in me expressing them here…

"I feel a little hesitant about going on about this, as I sort of feel like the little guy going up against a sleaze metal version of Walmart, ha.

"I know I'll catch shit for it, but I have to say SOMETHING at least. For me, it's just about setting the facts straight... That one's for you, Stevie Rachelle.

"Phil, it's okay if you don't want me in your band anymore. It's yours and [Steve] Riley's [drums] band. You have the right to do whatever you want, why ever you want. But just say it. 'We have decided to move on without Scotty Griffin. We wish him the best of luck.' Very simple and to the point.

"Why lie? I'm now having to deal with hundreds of Facebook messages, texts and emails wondering why I quit, or that I made a bad decision leaving, or asking what I have planned now that I quit L.A. GUNS, or whatever.

"Let me clarify one more time, I DID NOT QUIT L.A. GUNS. I was basically unceremoniously sacked. Sounds harsh, but that's the reality. That's business. And this is the music business.

"I just want the truth to be known.

"We played a packed show Saturday night at the Whisky. I gave the show 1000%. We all did. The next day, I got the call that I was out of the band. THAT is what went down. There was no two-week notice. Just 'you're out.' At least a month worth of shows that I was booked on flights for (and that I turned down other gigs for) have been taken away without any warning.

"To be blunt: financially speaking, I'm FUCKED! Hopefully only for a while.

"Am I pissed? Yeah, you could say that. And that's probably why this post might come off as a little vindictive.

"Am I right for being pissed? I guess that's subjective. You each have to ask your own selves whether or not YOU would be pissed if you were in my position.

"The other point I have issue with is this 'bassist on and off' bullshit? That I am offended by.

"I've played over 400 shows with L.A. GUNS, all around the world. And that includes practically every state in America, at least a dozen countries, including Japan, South Korea, Australia, and most countries in Europe. I recorded and co-wrote our last album, 'Hollywood Forever'. I navigated us through thousands and thousands of miles in countless vans across America with Steve because I was the only guy that knew how to, or wanted to, work a GPS. I've given my heart and my soul, my blood and my sweat, to every single performance with the GUNS. Whether it was in front of 20 people in some bar out in the middle of nowhere that was promoted so bad, even the waitress didn't know we were playing, to 20,000 screaming fans at a rockfest in Sweden opening for Alice Cooper.

"Don't get me wrong, I know my place. I know I'm not an original member, I respect that. But I was way fucking more than just an 'on and off again bass player.' I was in the band longer than the majority of the 24 other members who were in it before me.

"But through all of that, and in spite of the way you fired me, I still love you, Phil.

"I believe you have your own personal reasons for doing this, whatever they are. I, for the life of me, can't figure out why. But regardless of why, I think it could've/should've been handled better. Still, you are the most amazing frontman I have ever performed with.

"Don't worry, I'm not kissing your ass. I don't expect to ever be asked to join L.A. GUNS again, nor would I join, if asked. That battleship was sunk for good yesterday. But I will always look back with gratitude at my time in the band.

"To wrap this up, I'd like to thank all my fans, friends and 'others' I have met on the road in GUNS. You have made my life immeasurably happier and more fulfilling. I only hope I have given the same back to you.

"I don't want this post to come off as a ME vs L.A. GUNS type of thing.

"Although I feel I brought a lot to the table, I know that I am only a part of the whole.

"L.A. GUNS is not just a band, it's a lifestyle. It is very important to a lot of people. Hell, I just got my name tattooed on a fan's back next to a huge L.A. GUNS logo.

"L.A. GUNS will go on and on. It's a badass motherfuckin' band with or without me.

"I know there are those that will drop out of my life because I'm not 'of L.A. GUNS' anymore. And that's cool, I understand, and I hope you continue to support the GUNS! But I know I will keep in touch with a lot of you. And hope to see you all in the future with either some new project I'm involved with or even just as friends.

"As for right now, you might ask what an ex-L.A. GUNS member does. Well, I'm lucky enough to play with a local cover band called the SIN CITY SINNERS, coincidentally featuring another ex-L.A. GUNS member Brent Muscat (FASTER PUSSYCAT)! Brent, Doc, Rob and Josh are all awesome guys and SIN CITY SINNERS are the most awesome cover band in Las Vegas.

"Thank you, Jason Green, for letting me play in the band in whatever capacity you need me for now and in the future.

"Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it."

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