Former NODES OF RANVIER Bassist Loses Both Arms, Hopes To Play Music Again
August 21, 2009Keloland.com reports that Brady Murphy — a former bassist for the Sioux Falls, South Dakota-based Christian metal band NODES OF RANVIER — leaves next week for Nebraska to undergo skin graft surgery as part of his recovery from a work-related accident. This spring, Murphy was repairing a power line in Iowa when he touched a live wire. The accident cost Murphy both of his arms. But the injuries aren't keeping this heavy metal musician from hoping to play again.
Murphy doesn't remember what happened to him on that frightful day back in May inside a bucket truck 35 feet in the air.
"Apparently, when I go to the outside phase, something went wrong. I came into contact with the energized line," Murphy said.
Seventy-two hundred volts shot through Murphy's body.
"I had both hands on the line, so it went in this arm, through my chest and out this arm," Murphy said.
Read the entire article from Keloland.com.
Watch Keloland.com's video report below.
NODES OF RANVIER's last studio album, "Defined by Struggle", came out in 2007 via Victory Records. The band officially split up in December 2007.
Brady Murphy post-accident (image courtesy of ArgusLeader.com):
NODES OF RANVIER (Brady Murphy is second from left):
NODES OF RANVIER's "Purpose in Pain" video (see close-up footage of Brady Murphy playing bass and singing at about 2-minute, 30-second mark):