November 23, 2008Guitarist Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT, BEAUTIFUL CREATURES, HOOKERS 'N' BLOW) has joined the revamped ADLER'S APPETITE, the band led by former GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven Adler. "The new lineup is a kick-ass one and I can't wait to get out there and play with these guys," Grossi says. "Tour dates and details to follow in the coming weeks."
ADLER'S APPETITE commemorated the 20th anniversary of GNR's classic debut "Appetite for Destruction" last year by touring South America. However, Adler was forced to cancel a European tour with the band due to "personal issues."
Adler pleaded no contest on November 14 to a heroin possession charge in the hopes of avoiding jail time by entering a treatment program, according to Reuters.
Adler is scheduled to appear in court on December 12 to determine if he is eligible for drug treatment instead of jail.
Adler was arrested in Los Angeles on July 18, after someone called police to report he was causing a disturbance.
He appeared this year on the reality television show "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" during an earlier attempt to get off drugs.
The other members of GUNS N' ROSES band threw Adler out in 1989, saying his drug use was harming his performance. In 1993, the band agreed to pay him $2.3 million to settle Adler's lawsuit claiming a 1990 agreement by which he gave up his interest in the band was read to him and signed without his attorney present.