GOD AMONG INSECTS: Debut Album Details Revealed

March 15, 2004

GOD AMONG INSECTS, the Swedish "old-school" death metal band featuring vocalist Emperor Magus Caligula (DARK FUNERAL),guitarist Lord K (a.k.a. Kenth Philipson) (THE PROJECT HATE),bassist Tomas Elofsson (SANCTIFICATION) and drummer Tobias Gustafsson (VOMITORY) will enter Abyss Studios on Saturday, March 20 with engineer Tommy Tägtgren to begin recording their debut album, "World Wide Death", tentatively due this summer through Threeman Recordings.

Here's a short rundown of the songs set to appear on "World Wide Death", as provided by Lord K:

01. "Legions of Darkness": "Mid-tempo track with some really Swedish old-school sounding riffs in it, along with some DEICIDE-ish influences here and there. Nothing really fast in it except for the ending. Makes for a good start of the album."

02. "A Gush of Blood": "More 90's Swedish death metal at its finest. Typical death-riffing with a groove and a nice break in the middle with one our my favourite-riffs on this album. Quite up-tempo without incorporating blastbeats."

03. "Headless Nun Whore": "One of the faster tracks. No end to the brutality in this one. Fast riffing all over the place until a very slow and heavy break takes over this shit, just to pace up again towards the end. A very weird ending that reminds me of ZYKLON and includes some weird drumming, which will be a challenge for Tobben."

04. "Uprising of the Rotten": "Sounds very BOLT THROWER/DEATH for starters. Picks up after some minutes with a fast fucken riff that sounds a bit DARK FUNERAL, and then it moves in this direction for a while. Fast and heavy shit, all mixed into this one."

05. "Chainsawed Christians": "Fast track with a heavy opening-riff that'll blow people away. Sounds like something GRAVE would have done if they didn't suddenly start to suck after J left the band. Pure fast armageddon with a few blast beats thrown in for good measure. Includes a break that screams 'GRAVE' all over the planet."

06. "Severe Facial Reconstruction": "One of the first songs written for this band. Semi-fast stuff with some groovy riffing going on. Not slow, not fast, something in the middle. A favourite-track."

07. "Wretched Hatching": "Mid-tempo beginning with a excellent riff backed up by some double-bass drums. Loads of double-bass in this one, Tobben will have a field day playing it. Excellent track and heavy as all fuck. Some BOLT THROWER influences here and there along with the usual Swedish death metal."

08. "Purified In Carnage": "The last song of this album. This one consists of approximately 3 riffs. It's a bit different compared to the other songs, and makes for a good ending. With permission, some lyrics are taken from SEANCE's 'Saltrubbed Eyes' album. The last song we wrote for this piece of plastic, and we just love how this one is ending the album. Heavy as all hell and while demoing it, We downtuned more than ever, so this will be the tuning we'll use on the actual album."

For more information on GOD AMONG INSECTS, visit the band's newly launched web site at this location.

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