KORN's RAY LUZIER: 'It's Kind Of Cool To Be A Part Of A Band That's Not Afraid To Experiment'

July 23, 2014

The Front Row Report took part in a roundtable interview with KORN guitarist James "Munky" Shaffer and drummer Ray Luzier at the July 19 stop of the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival in Noblesville, Indiana. You can now watch the question-and-answer session below.

Speaking about KORN's musical evolution over the years, Luzier said: "I always tell people it's kind of cool to be a part of a band that's not afraid to experiment.

"We always play from the heart; no matter what we're doing, we give it our all.

"There's bands like AC/DC and [IRON] MAIDEN — bands I love — but you pretty much know what their new record's gonna sound like; it's gonna sound a lot like the last record. It's kind of cool having 'The Path Of Totality' to 'Korn III' to 'Untitled', which is one of my favorite KORN records of all time. It's so different on that record, some of the things you guys [speaking to Munky] did to experiment. It's just cool."

The deluxe reissue of KORN's 2013 album, "The Paradigm Shift: World Tour Edition" (Prospect Park) was made available at Best Buy stores in North America starting July 15.

For the "World Tour Edition", the Bakersfield quintet lock and load last year's critically acclaimed "The Paradigm Shift", with three brand new songs including their just-released single "Hater", plus "The Game Is Over" and "So Unfair". In addition, it's been beefed up with a bevy of live tracks recorded all over the globe and expanded artwork. It's the ultimate way to experience "The Paradigm Shift". Among the other unreleased material, Davis opens up about his young son Zeppelin's battle with diabetes on the powerful "So Unfair", while "The Game Is Over" slams with the intense catharsis fans worldwide expect from these legends.

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