L.A. GUNS Announces New Guitarist

December 17, 2012

California rockers L.A. GUNS have announced the addition of guitarist Frankie Wilsey to the group's ranks.

Commented the band: "We first met [Frankie] back in 2007 when he was playing in Stephen Pearcy's band, ARCADE, on the Rock Never Stops tour. Frankie spent more time on our bus than his own, impressing us with hours of classic bootleg videos from the '70s and '80s. He was clearly a rock aficionado, truly a scholar and a gentleman.

"Frankie's been playing guitar since 1977. He formed his first band, HEAD ON, in San Francisco in '81 and then went on to form the hometown Bay Area champions SEA HAGS in '88. He moved to Los Angeles in the early '90s, where he teamed up with Stephen Pearcy of RATT and Fred Coury of CINDERELLA to form ARCADE. In addition to lots of sessions in Los Angeles, Frankie recently toured with legendary singer John Waite and also had a residency in Las Vegas as Joe Perry in the definitive AEROSMITH tribute band AEROMYTH.

"Frankie joins [L.A. GUNS] with guns blazing, ready to tour the world and get involved in writing and recording new original material."

Says Frankie: "I met Phil [Lewis, vocals] and Steve [Riley, drums] years ago, traveling down this road. Found out they're blessed with classic-rock style and a road-warrior ethic that is rare in this weakling world of music.

"I have to say I think this is a very good matchup. Let's hope the fans feel the same."

Due to "extenuating circumstances and musical differences," guitarist Stacey Blades announced his departure from L.A. GUNS last week.

Blades played on four L.A. GUNS albums: "Rips The Covers Off" (2004),"Tales Trom The Strip" (2005),"Loud And Dangerous: Live From Hollywood" (2006) and "Hollywood Forever" (2012). He also authored a book, "Confessions Of A Replacement Rockstar", which was published in 2009.

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