MACHINE HEAD's ROBERT FLYNN: New Songs Are 'Sick As Hell'

September 3, 2002

MACHINE HEAD have been "writing [new material] like crazy" during the past few weeks, and "have about 10 songs/rough ideas written, and three others that have already been sent to the scrap yard for parts," guitarist/vocalist Robert Flynn revealed via his latest diary entry posted at the group's official web site.

Among the working song titles currently being thrown around are the following:

01. Monster
02. All Those Things Left Unsaid
03. Fall In Line
04. Pins and Needles

"I felt like on Supercharger a certain someone [apparently referring to himself—ed.] was saying things to the press like 'Supercharger is heavier than Burn My Eyes,' " continued the singer. "I want to make it clear right now: We will not mislead anybody. Our new material is not 'heavier' than Burn My Eyes. It is heavy as hell, but it is not 'heavier' than BME. Make no mistake about it, it is sick as hell. And believe me, it wipes the floor with ANYTHING that was on the VMAs last [week]. It's exciting, kinda reminds me of …And Justice For All-era METALLICA meets Wall-era PINK FLOYD, not sure why. Others have said it kinda has a Swedish metal kinda vibe, still tripping on that one. It's hard to put into words, but I can say this. It ain't boring, and it ain't a bunch of rehashed NIRVANA riffs, It ain't a bunch of suck-ass WHITE STRIPES, it ain't a bunch of pretend-to-look-punk-while-singing-shiny-pop tunes."

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