NAPALM DEATH Frontman Teaches British Politician How To Sing Death Metal (Video)

June 21, 2017

Well-known British politician Ed Miliband hosted a discussion on BBC Radio 2 earlier today asking, "Why does anyone like death metal?" He was joined by NAPALM DEATH frontman Mark "Barney" Greenway, who tried to give the former Labour Party leader a lesson in the difficult singing style.

Greenway was brought on to the show to discuss the topic as a stage dedicated to the death metal genre is making an appearance at Glastonbury for the first time ever, curated by the long-running label Earache Records.

"I've been a groupie for SO long, been to the gigs, got the T-shirt, now's my chance to meet Napalm Death in person….," Miliband wrote excitedly on Twitter this morning.

Introducing the type of music NAPALM DEATH plays, Miliband said: "This isn't the heavy metal you might know like IRON MAIDEN. This is heavier than heavy."

Miliband's attempt at death metal singing came as he and Greenway were discussing NAPALM DEATH's record-setting shortest song "You Suffer" and playing it twice.

Milliband, who has been sitting in for Jeremy Vine on the radio show this week, told the listeners: "I'm now going to take my career into my hands, if it isn't already down the pan, and you're going to try to help me do a bit of this extreme metal."

"Force it up through the throat," was Greenway's advice, before Miliband produced something that sounded more like a shout than a growl. Greenway then commented: "No, no. More throat, definitely more throat."

NAPALM DEATH has been in existence since the early 1980s, with their sixteenth album, "Apex Predator - Easy Meat", released in January 2015.

The band's most successful album in the U.K. was "Utopia Banished", which was released in 1992 and reached No. 58 on the British album chart.

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