New BELIEVER Album In The Works?
April 15, 2005Former BELIEVER drummer Joey Daub has launched his official web site at JoeyDaub.com. Joey's introductory message on the web site reads as follows:
"Currently, I am working on the new FOUNTAIN OF TEARS CD. I can't wait to get it out and hear your feedback. I am very pleased with the progress this band has made over the years and look forward to seeing you out on the road.
"Also in the works is a side project I am doing with FOUNTAIN OF TEARS keyboardist, Jeff King. The project is called YEAR OF PLENTY and is along the lines of jazz/fusion/prog. We are having a fun time writing the songs (when FOUNTAIN OF TEARS duties are light),and look forward to start recording soon.
"Last of all, after 11 years, Kurt Bachman [ex-BELIEVER guitarist/vocalist] and I have crossed paths again and have been getting together to jam (again, when FOUNTAIN OF TEARS duties are light) and throw around some musical ideas. Could this be the start of a long awaited BELIEVER album? Keep posted for progress on that story. We will see what happens."