OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON's STEVE DAWSON: 'We Have Never Ever Tried To Be The Original Band'
September 25, 2007Komodorock.com recently conducted an interview with former SAXON bassist Steve Dawson (currently in OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON). A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:
Komodo Rock: For those that are unaware, how did the OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON come into being?
Steve Dawson: "Graham [Oliver; ex-SAXON guitarist] rang me in 1996 and said did I want some money. Probably the best thing to say cos I had not spoken to him in over 10 years. So I said yes, but within two weeks of getting the cheque, [Biff] Byford's solicitors had said that they would take action against me. So I sent the cheque back. But after a few days I thought 'fuck you,' and spoke to Graham about putting a band together. So I asked Haydn Conway [guitar] and Pete Gill [ex-SAXON drummer] if they were in, and Graham asked Ted Bullitt [ex-THUNDERHEAD singer]. Everybody said yes. So we started writing songs and recorded the album 'Victim You' as SON OF A BITCH. Pete Gill did not want to do much live work, so I asked Nigel Durham if he wanted the drum gig, he said yes. We would turn up to gigs and we would be billed as OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON so we thought, 'If ya cant beat 'em, join 'em.' So we went with OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON. We parted company with Ted Bullitt after a tour of South America. I put an advert in Kerrang! for a singer, and we ended up with Wardi who had just returned to England after a long stint with Slash [VELVET REVOLVER, ex-GUNS N' ROSES] and that's the lineup now. Steve Dawson, Graham Oliver, Nigel Durham, Haydn Conway, Wardi."
Komodo Rock: The preface to the name came as the result of a lawsuit with Biff Byford?
Steve Dawson: "Yes."
Komodo Rock: Did you ever worry about how fans would react to two different versions of SAXON?
Steve Dawson: "No, because we are a great band playing songs Graham and me wrote and we have never ever tried to be the original band. SAXON fans that have seen us love it!"
Komodo Rock: How different are things with this incarnation of SAXON compared to the one you left in 1986?
Steve Dawson: "Very different. I did not leave I was 'sacked.' It was a very low time members were not getting on with each other, and we had lots of arguments over petty things. But now OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON are very happy we just have a laugh drink loads of beer and fuck as many birds as we can! That's what rock bands do right?!"
Komodo Rock: Having last released a split album with TYGERS OF PAN TANG and GIRLSCHOOL back in 2003, are there any plans to hit the studio to record in the near future?
Steve Dawson: "Yes, we are half way through a new CD but we are a bit short of money. So we'll finish it in January 2008, so get ready dude it's gonna blow yer balls off."
Read the entire interview at Komodorock.com.