PAPA ROACH: First Single From 'F.E.A.R. (Face Everything And Rise)' Album Revealed
August 30, 2014Soundspheremag TV conducted an interview with PAPA ROACH guitarist Jerry Horton at last weekend's Leeds Festival in England. You can now watch the chat below.
Speaking about PAPA ROACH's forthcoming eighth studio album "F.E.A.R. (Face Everything And Rise)", which will come out in early 2015, Horton said: "We've picked the single. It's gonna be [the title track] 'Face Everything And Rise'.
"We recorded it in [Las] Vegas with [producers] Kevin and Kane Churko.
"We went in kind of with the intention of making a heavy record, and there are heavy songs on there, but we can't really stop ourselves from just exploring stuff. So we have a couple of dynamic songs on there, and a couple of vibey songs, and it's sort of classic PAPA ROACH where it's kind of varied in its content and style."
PAPA ROACH frontman Jacoby Shaddix told Kerrang! magazine in a new interview that "F.E.A.R. (Face Everything And Rise)" is "probably the most positive record we've written," adding, "There's obviously been an element of hope within the despair of the music that we write, and I think that that's always key, and that's very important to what we do, is to always have that element of hope, and that's laced throughout the record."
The new disc will follow up 2012's "The Connection".
Shaddix, a recovering alcoholic and drug user, said he was nervous about camping out in Las Vegas during the recording sessions for the new album. He explained, "I've been sober for a few years now, and it was just, like, 'All right, how am I gonna go to Vegas and stay focused?' And I just had to put my spiritual armor on and just go out there and do my best to be creative."
Shaddix described the new album as "all things good PAPA ROACH — it's big, banging riffs, it's a very guitar-heavy record . . . It spans across the board, from heavy to reflective, to just in your face, out of control. It's just everything that we believe is great about PAPA ROACH."
An exact release date, and tour plans are all to be revealed later.