POWERMAN 5000 Frontman Confirms Split With DREAMWORKS RECORDS

December 13, 2003

POWERMAN 5000 frontman Spider One has posted the following message to the band's official Discussion Forum:

"Hey all, I know it's been very quiet around and there isn't too much POWERMAN action going on, but I figured I'd drop by with what little info that I have. As many of you have already guessed, we will begin selling [the previously unreleased album] 'Anyone for Doomsday?' very soon!!! It will only be available online and in somewhat limited quantity. So make sure you order your copy fast. The exact date of release in still up in the air, but think it will be before Christmas. I've seen the new 'AFD?' on eBay for big bucks, save your money because we are gonna sell it cheap!! As for the content, musically it will be exactly as the original, though the package is new and it will also contain the 'Bombshell' video. Pretty cool, huh?

"Also, most of you know that Dreamworks [Records] has been bought by Interscope Records and in the process eliminating almost all of their staff (including [our forum moderator] Fly) and the majority of their artists. I don't believe that PM5K will be making the move to Interscope, which leaves the immediate future somewhat up in the air. Time will tell what comes next.... but I am already planning some exciting shit for 2004!!! That's about it for now Powerfans, check back soon for all the info on how to order 'AFD?'

"Oh yeah, me & [wife] Dominique have a happy, healthy baby boy...and one more thing, I am trying to keep Fly on as moderator but without Dreamworks it might be tough, though I do have faith that Fly will return. That's it for now..."

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