RIGOR MORTIS' CASEY ORR Talks About DEAN Basses; Video Available
November 7, 2008Bassist Casey Orr (GWAR, X-COPS, THE HELLIONS, THE BURDEN BROTHERS) of the reactivated Texas thrashers RIGOR MORTIS is featured in a four-and-a-half video Dean Guitars video clip which contains the first released footage of the band's performance at this past summer's Ozzfest. Watch it below.
RIGOR MORTIS performed at the one-day Ozzfest 2008 festival in Dallas on Saturday, August 9. The band appeared with its original lineup consisting of Bruce Corbitt (TEXAS METAL ALLIANCE),Mike Scaccia (MINISTRY, REVOLTING COCKS, BLOHOLE),Casey Orr (GWAR, MITRA, X-COPS, THE HELLIONS, BLOHOLE),and Harden Harrison (MITRA, PERVIS, SPEEDEALER).