SCARVE Drummer Talks About SOILWORK Session Gig

February 5, 2004

SCARVE's Dirk Verbeuren, who was recently announced as the stand-in drummer for SOILWORK during the band's upcoming European tour with THE FORSAKEN, spoke to Portugal's LOUD! Magazine on Wednesday (February 4) about his session work with the Swedish band. "I start touring with SOILWORK in a couple days," he said. "I've been in Sweden, rehearsing with the band and things are running pretty smoothly. I've been following them for the last [few] years, so I already knew their music pretty well and it didn't take me so long to learn the songs… So far we went a few times to the rehearsal place and things are going really well, not a problem at all."

Dirk, who recently did some session work with ABORTED and is scheduled to appear on the Belgian death metallers' upcoming EP, claims that the SCARVE guys are very understanding of his need to get involved with other projects. "They're used to it by now and open-minded enough to understand this," he said. "They all play in different bands and we all try to live from our music, but SCARVE is obviously our main thing. They're happy that I'm going on tour with SOILWORK, I'm happy that Guillaume is recording another album with his project, THE CUBE… There's a lot of stuff going on and it's really exciting."

Verbeuren was invited to join SOILWORK last month after the group's previous drummer, Richard Evensand, left the band to join CHIMAIRA. "Irradiant", SCARVE's third album, is scheduled for release through Listenable Records in the coming days.

(Thanks: José Rodrigues / LOUD! Magazine)

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