SEVENTH AVENUE: 'Southgate' To Be Re-Released

November 18, 2008

German power metal band SEVENTH AVENUE will have its classic "Southgate" album from 1998 reissued by Ulterium Records on January 23, 2009. "Southgate" was originally released on Treasure Hunt Records in 1998, and received very good response around the world. The album has been out of print for many years now, so fans of German power metal in the vein of old HELLOWEEN and GAMMA RAY, don't miss out!

SEVENTH AVENUE "Southgate" lineup:

Herbie Langhans - Vocals, Guitar
Andi Gutjahr - Guitar
Willian Hieb - Bass
Mike Pfluger - Drums

Check out a sample track from "Southgate" at this location.

To pre-order the album, click here.

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