March 13, 2008

Vocalist/guitarist Matt Difabio of the Philadelphia-based metallers SINGLE BULLET THEORY has issued the following update:

"Over the last few months in my life, it has become increasingly difficult for me to want to put any effort into pushing SINGLE BULLET THEORY.

"Recent events have made me painstakingly aware that this band has been a main reason for other things in my life to falter. I have always loved creating music with the various members of SBT and wish that we could have been a lot more successful without all the hardships that we had to endure over the years. I have come to the decision to focus on my family and lay SBT to rest.

"In the beginning, SBT ran on a serious D.I.Y. approach and we did seven full USA tours before we were even signed. All of that hard work and absence from home took a toll on my family life that I will never fully understand. While we were signed with Crash, we toured on four high-profile national tours and again.. we were away too much.

"I no longer have the desire to miss birthdays, holidays, Valentine days... anything really at all, and if the band can't tour, the band won't survive. This is the main reason we bailed from the PRIMER 55 tour in October. In addition, it's time for people to seriously look at the way the music business is heading... It is harder and harder for bands to be able to do this professionally. Illegal downloads are killing the underground scene. More importantly, even legal downloading doesn't help records scan. Without a real SoundScan basis, bands are having harder and harder times getting opening positions on larger national tours. Labels can't survive like they used to.

"If you're guilty of 'ripping' your new favorite CD from any bit torrent site, you're the sole reason that the scene is struggling. Plain and simple.

"For the time being, I and other members of SBT are working on a project called ARCHAIC. But in all honesty, if it starts taking up too much time too soon, I will end that as well. Like I said earlier, I am focusing on my family.

"My heart hurts deeply when I write this. I have given eight years of my life into SBT and so has my partner in crime Bill Mez.

"I know there will be some asshole who posts negative shit below this... Just remember, you are most likely some jackass who has never done anything with his/her life and should NEVER judge people success of character without actually knowing the people involved or the events that took place during a band's career."

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