SOLITUDE AETURNUS Guitarist Comments On Singer Joining CANDLEMASS
January 22, 2007SOLITUDE AETURNUS guitarist John Perez has issued the following update via the band's MySpace page:
"First, we would like to thank everyone thus far that has sent such kind words of enthusiasm on our webpage and MySpace concerning our new album, 'Alone'. The response has been nothing short of overwhelming and we thank each of you for the good feelings we have felt from your words and support!
"Massacre [Records] has informed us that this album has received the highest press marks in the history of the label! Unbelievable! Album of the month in most of the European magazines including Rock Hard, Metal Hammer (both Germany and Greece),Heavy and others!
"We knew we had a great album to deliver but when it is received with such enthusiasm it warms our black hearts to no end.
"'Alone' will finally be released in North America on April 3rd. And for you vinyl maniacs, Eat Metal Records is planning a release on wax very soon! This will include the digipack only song 'Embrace' as well.
"With regards to the erroneous track listing on the album, what can we say? There was some confusion somewhere in the chain with Massacre and because we were running behind schedule on the release, the band themselves were not able to proofread the final art.
"Whatever, it's not that big of a deal and will be fixed on the next pressing. In case you're wondering the correct track listing in the order the band wanted it was #2 'Waiting For The Light', #4 'Sightless'. With regards to the bonus track, 'Embrace', at the last minute Robert changed the title to 'Lucid Destitution' and I thought the changes were made to the final draft that was sent to Massacre. But alas, somehow I screwed it up as I checked and sure enough, the title was not changed in the tracklisting (although I did change it elsewhere in the credits thereby creating the confusion). So the song will now forever remain 'Embrace' as the digipack is now sold out. Maybe we'll correct it for the vinyl version (lookout insane collectors!)? We'll see.
"Live shows! Poland on the 9th in Krakow and on the 12th in Warsaw to be filmed for a DVD release! Also playing the Real Steel fest in Mexico City on March 3rd and the Chicago Powerfest on April 20th. A local date in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area is also planned for early April.
"The long-awaited CONCEPT OF GOD CD will finally see the light of day this coming spring on Massacre Records! Recorded in 2001, the album is sure to please all SOLITUDE AETURNUS fans! The band was a short lived project started by Steve Moseley and Robert Lowe during some down time after the release of 'Adagio'. Also features John 'Wolf' Covington and current SOLITUDE bassist James Martin. Sound clips and more info coming soon on the release date!
"And now onto the jaw-dropping news. Robert is joining CANDLEMASS as their new lead singer. We're not joking. We're also letting everyone know that nothing has changed in SOLITUDE AETURNUS and Robert will continue on with SOLITUDE AETURNUS as well.
"Our live touring schedule is very minimal and we in the band see no conflict whatsoever with this situation. I personally support the decision 100%. It's all about the music to all of us and this is a chance for Robert to be involved in making some more great music outside of SOLITUDE AETURNUS. Why not, right? Leif Edling has been a friend of mine for many years and the decision has been made between both bands with utmost respect from the CANDLEMASS camp. Robert is still 100% committed to continuing on with SOLITUDE AETURNUS as we would normally have continued onward. He can't escape it just like myself as it's in is brain and blood. I know that the next CANDLEMASS album will sound unbelievable to my ears as I'm both a fan of the band and Robert's vocals so speaking for myself, I'll win out by getting free copy of the new album (on vinyl and CD, please)! Ha!
"Seriously, this will be a great opportunity for Robert and we all wish him and CANDLEMASS great success together.
"Don't worry, SOLITUDE AETURNUS will do another record and continue to play live as much as our personal schedules will allow. Look for more new on the CANDLEMASS webpage with regard to their new album and live schedule for this year!"