Updated: EX-SEETHER Guitarist Has NOT Rejoined EVANESCENCE

April 11, 2011

**UPDATE**: EVANESCENCE's management has informed BLABBERMOTH.NET that — despite SEETHER frontman Shaun Morgan's claim to the contrary — guitarist Troy McLawhorn has **NOT** returned to EVANESCENCE.

McLawhorn first joined EVANESCENCE in 2007 after original guitarist John LeCompt left the band. He departed EVANESCENCE a year later and got the job with SEETHER, only to quit last month over what he said online was "personal friction" with one of the other members.

It wasn't long ago — February, in fact — that SEETHER frontman Shaun Morgan told The Pulse Of Radio about how much he enjoyed writing music with McLawhorn. "Troy's playing is a lot more melodic than a lot of the stuff we've had before.," he said. "When I write something, he'll complete that thought, which is amazing. It's like, you know, he'll do things that — if I had to go back and do overdubs like I did on the last album, he does them better, you know what I mean? So it's really exciting when that sort of thing starts coming together."

Adding an extra layer of tension to all this is the fact that Shaun Morgan and EVANESCENCE singer Amy Lee had a nasty break-up in late 2005 after dating for over two years.

Here is what Morgan wrote on his Twitter feed (edited for clarity) about McLawhorn allegedly joining EVANESCENCE: "Interesting news about our old guitarist. Can anyone guess? No, he's not coming back. He went to another band. Little anti-Shaun club. Any more guesses? . . . So, good fucking luck to Amy Lee and Troy. They deserve each other. Wankers! . . . I am hurt and offended. We will go on and we will make ya'll proud."

SEETHER has indicated that McLawhorn will not be replaced for the moment.

EVANESCENCE will enter the studio next week to begin recording its fourth album, after scrapping an earlier attempt last year. The band has not issued new music since 2006's "The Open Door".

SEETHER's fourth album, "Holding On To Strings Better Left To Fray", comes out May 17. The first single is called "Country Song".

SEETHER is currently on the road and next plays Baltimore on Friday (April 15).

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