ANAAL NATHRAKH: New Song Posted Online

September 14, 2007

British extreme metallers ANAAL NATHRAKH have posted a new song, entitled "The Final Absolution", on their MySpace page. The track comes off the group's fourth full-length album, "Hell is Empty, and all the Devils are Here", which is due on October 28 via the band's own record label, Feto Records. The CD will reportedly include guest vocals from CIRCLE OF DEAD CHILDREN's Josama Bin Horvath and Dirty Von Donovan from EXPLODER, as well as Shane Embury (NAPALM DEATH) on bass.

The band previously stated about the CD, "These songs are gonna blow everything we've ever done in the past and will make you want to actually smash your own face in. TOTAL FUCKIN' EXTREME HOLOCAUST IN YOUR HEAD FACE RIP TYPHOON AVALANCHE TIDAL WAVE NECRO THRASHIN' FACE FUCKIN' BRUTALITY."

ANAAL NATHRAKH's third full-length album, "Eschaton", was released in October 2006 via Season of Mist. The CD included guest appearances by Shane Embury (NAPALM DEATH) and Attila Csihar (MAYHEM).

ANAAL NATHRAKH had their "The Codex Necro" and "When Fire Rains Down From The Sky, Mankind Will Reap As It Has Sown" albums re-released last year with a load of bonus material. "The Codex Necro" has "bonus tracks comprising the Peel session recorded for the late John Peel's legendary radio show at the BBC studios at the great man's personal request," the band said.

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