ANVIL Frontman Says He Is Finally Making Living From Playing Music

April 26, 2011

Darryl Sterdan of the QMI Agency recently conducted an interview with guitarist/vocalist Steve "Lips" Kudlow of Canadian metal legends ANVIL. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

QMI Agency: Last time we spoke, the movie was just hitting big. Can you describe how it's changed your career?

Lips: It's brought us everything. To go from being a band that sold 20,000 copies of a CD to being a band that's in the consciousness of millions — they estimate 8 million people in the U.S. have seen it — well, you can't compare it. I mean, when we played on Conan O'Brien's show, in that 10 minutes we were seen by more people than who saw us in our entire career.

QMI Agency: What's been the biggest thrill?

Lips: Meeting other celebrities — and their reaction towards me has been really shocking. I met Paul McCartney. That's like meeting God. And he goes, "Lips, how's it going? Are we rocking tonight?" It's like, "Oh my God, he knows who we are. He's seen the movie." I could give you an endless list like that. It's crazy.

QMI Agency: Has there been a downside?

Lips: Well, I tend to put it out of my mind, but it usually comes in the form of fairweather friends — people that we haven't heard from in 10 or 20 years suddenly resurfacing, saying, "Hey buddy, How's it going? Remember me?" Or when people say, "Now that you're a star, I guess you're not going to have anything to do with me." That's very insulting.

QMI Agency: Have you made any money out of all this yet?

Lips: What has essentially happened is that I no longer work my day job. I'm making my ends meet from the band. Am I making more? I don't know, probably. But it's not like I'm buying a limousine. I'm existing and not having to worry about going to a job. And that's great; I've worked 30 years to get there.

Read the entire interview from the QMI Agency.

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