ARCH ENEMY Guitarist Interviewed On FULL METAL JACKIE's Radio Show (Audio)

September 21, 2011

Guitarist Michael Amott of Swedish/German extreme metallers ARCH ENEMY was interviewed on the September 16-18 edition of Full Metal Jackie's nationally syndicated radio show. You can now listen to the chat using the audio player below.

To see a full list of stations carrying the program and when it airs, go to

Interview (audio):

"Khaos Legions", the ninth studio album from ARCH ENEMY, sold around 6,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to enter The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 78.

ARCH ENEMY's previous full-length studio CD of new material, "Rise Of The Tyrant", debuted at position No. 84 in October 2007 with first-week U.S. sales of around 8,900 approximately 25 percent less than the opening number (12,000) of its predecessor, 2005's "Doomsday Machine" (which landed at No. 87).

"Khaos Legions" was released in Europe on May 30 and in the U.S. on June 7 via Century Media Records. The CD marks the band's return to new, original material, after the release of the "Tyrants Of The Rising Sun - Live In Japan" live DVD/CD (2008) and the re-recordings album, "The Root Of All Evil" (2009). The effort was tracked at Sweet Spot Studio in the south of Sweden with engineer Rickard Bengtsson (who produced 2005's "Doomsday Machine").

The "Khaos Legions" artwork comes courtesy of renowned artist Brent Elliott White (MEGADETH, DEATH ANGEL).

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