AS SWEET Guitarist ANDY SCOTT Comments On Singer's Departure

February 9, 2006

Former THE SWEET guitarist/vocalist Andy Scott has confirmed the departure of SHY frontman Tony Mills from Scott's current band, dubbed AS SWEET.

Commented Andy: "It is with a certain degree of sadness that I can confirm that SWEET are still looking for a singer/bassist. We have just completed a tour of Denmark and it was a mutual decision by all concerned and we stress that this is not personal in any way.

"Firstly, Tony Mills has a great voice. All of us agree on this. The song 'Everything' could have been written for him. However, SWEET's music is a bit like SPINAL TAP, it crosses into many areas.

"A journalist once called the band 'bubblegum/pop/rock/metal/progressive' — I'm still wondering if he got it right. [Previous singer] Tony O'Hora has commented that the job with SWEET has tested him more than any other so this should give everyone some kind of perspective.

"We wish Tony Mills our sincerest best wishes for the future with his band and solo projects. We will continue in our efforts to find a replacement (remaining as a four-piece is paramount) and in our endeavour to keep standards high."

Mills is currently gearing up for the release of a new album, entitled "Crank It Up", for Z Records.

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