AUGUST BURNS RED To Release Re-Recorded Version Of 'Thrill Seeker' With JAKE LUHRS On Vocals

January 3, 2025

Grammy-nominated Lancaster, Pennsylvania-based five-piece AUGUST BURNS RED will release a special version of its seminal debut album "Thrill Seeker". The LP was re-recorded from the ground up by producers Carson Slovak and Grant McFarland. And fans have always wondered what the album might sound like with vocalist Jake Luhrs, who joined the band after the album's release. The ABR faithful gets it wish with this version.

The new edition of "Thrill Seeker" features several additional sonic treats, including guest appearances by KILLSWITCH ENGAGE's Adam Dutkiewicz, the original producer of "Thrill Seeker", on "Speech Impediment", and by original "Thrill Seeker" vocalist Josh McManness on "Barbarian". It will also feature the rare bonus track "Pride & Humility", which was also re-recorded.

The anniversary version will come in three vinyl variants, along with exclusive new merch, which is available here.

The 20th-anniversary edition of "Thrill Seeker" will be independently released via the band's own ABR Records on January 24.

Today, ABR has shared the lyric video for "Your Little Suburbia Is In Ruins". Watch it below.

"When I joined the band in early 2006, I often spoke about how I'd love to do vocals on a studio recording of 'Thrill Seeker'," says Luhrs. "I did the majority of the touring on the album and always felt a deep connection to it. As the 20-year anniversary of the album approached, we decided to finally give 'Thrill Seeker' a facelift. It was such a rewarding experience to dust these songs off and give them new life. This album changed the course of my life and I can't wait for fans to hear this."

"Thrill Seeker" 20th-anniversary edition track listing:

01. Your Little Suburbia Is In Ruins
02. Speech Impediment (feat. Adam Dutkiewicz)
03. Endorphins
04. Too Late For Roses
05. Barbarian (feat. Josh McManness)
06. The Reflective Property
07. A Wish Full Of Dreams
08. Consumer
09. A Shot Below The Belt
10. Eve Of The End
11. The Seventh Trumpet
12. Pride & Humility (bonus track)

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