BEHEMOTH's NERGAL: How ANTHONY KIEDIS Inspired Me To Say 'No' To Fans In A Very Assertive But Polite Way
October 26, 2021BEHEMOTH frontman Adam "Nergal" Darski was recently interviewed by the band's former guitarist Mateusz Śmierzchalski for the latter's "h23" podcast. During the lengthy conversation, which can be seen in two parts below, Nergal touched upon his policy for how he deals with fans when they approach him during dinner at restaurants to ask for a photo. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "My good friend, he was telling me some stories with some iconic people in L.A. And one of my absolutely favorite stories from his is… He was just a kiddo waiting outside some shows, and he would just come across Ozzy Osbourne. And he's telling me, 'Man, Ozzy Osbourne was cool. He [let me] take a photo. And they were super friendly and cool. And then I ended up at this party and I see there's fucking Anthony Kiedis [RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS] standing in front of me, so I just approached him in the most polite way, and I just asked him' — that is amazing; I love it — I just patted him on the back and he just turned towards me, and I just asked him in a super-polite way, 'Anthony, would you mind if I take a photo with you?' And he goes, like, [in an assertive way] 'Absolutely not.'"
Nergal went on to say that he appreciated Anthony's direct approach in turning down his friend's photo request. "I can't love it more than I do," he said. "I think it's amazing. You know why? Because you actually… I mean, it's cool if people do that [take pictures with fans]. I usually do that, but on many occasions, fans, they're just all over you. They don't know where the boundaries are; they don't feel that. You're in a restaurant having a date with a lady, and [they approach you excitedly], 'Can we take a photo?' 'No.' And somehow [the Kiedis story] inspired me to say 'no' in a very assertive but polite way. So I have no problems with saying, 'I'm sorry. This is a private meeting. I'm having a date. Hopefully next time.' And I'm happy to see their reactions, which, nine out of 10 [times], are, like, 'I respect that. Sorry for disturbing. See you next time. Can I just shake your hand?' 'Of course you can.' And that is cool. And I developed that skill to say 'no' in a polite way because sometimes you must say no."
Darski's dark folk/blues/Americana-influenced solo project ME AND THAT MAN will release its third full-length studio album, "New Man, New Songs, Same Shit, Vol. 2", on November 19 via Napalm Records.
BEHEMOTH will celebrate its 30-year career with a massive livestream event called "XXX Years Ov Blasphemy" this Halloween, October 31. The event will feature three separate sets in three spectacular locations, commemorating the band's three decades making music and art.