BLACK SABBATH Bassist GEEZER BUTLER: Rare Solo Track Available For Free Download

March 3, 2010

"Beach Skeleton", a rare track which previously only appeared on the Japanese version of BLACK SABBATH bassist Terry "Geezer" Butler's 1997 solo album, "Black Science" (released under the GEEZER banner),is available for free download from Buter's newly relaunched official web site. According to a posting on the site, "Beach Skeleton" was never released anywhere else (legally, anyway) outside of Japan until now.

"Black Science" was released in July 1997 via TVT Records and featured Butler on bass and keyboards, Pedro Howse on guitar, Clark Brown on vocals, and Deen Castronovo on drums. The CD was recorded at Studio Morin Heights and was produced by Geezer Butler and Paul Northfield.

Butler's latest solo album, "Ohmwork", was released in May 2005 via Sanctuary Records. Geezer's first album in eight years, "Ohmwork" was the bassist's third solo band release. His first project under the GZR banner was 1995's "Plastic Planet" while "Black Science" was credited to GEEZER. Howse worked on all three albums, while Brown performed on "Ohmwork" and the aforementioned "Black Science".

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