BRET MICHAELS's Lead Guitarist PETE EVICK Releases 'Your Last One' Single

January 8, 2025

EVICK, the project led by Bret Michaels's lead guitarist and music director for over two decades Pete Evick, has released a new single, "Your Last One".

Prior to hooking up with Michaels, Evick spent many years on the road and in the studio with his band some odd reason, signed to Sol 3 Records under legendary producer Richard Gotterher and industry pioneer Scott Cohen. That band later evolved into EVICK, finding a home with Dreamscape Records in Los Angeles. Throughout his career with both acts, Evick created several guitar-driven pop-rock singles that gained nationwide FM radio play, including "Spin", "Debbie", "This Ain't the Life" and "Savanna".

Born in 1972, Evick's sound bridges two eras — deeply rooted in '80s hard rock while equally influenced by '90s alternative, creating a signature style that sits comfortably alongside BON JOVI, POISON, MATCHBOX 20 and the GOO GOO DOLLS.

Though EVICK releases have become rare, 2022 saw the band issue "My Best Days", an uplifting power-pop single that paid homage to the BON JOVI sound of the '80s, garnering significant fan attention and FM radio airplay. Now, EVICK returns with "Your Last One", an emotionally charged track that revisits their classic '80s / '90s sound released through Vanity Music Digital.

The song's verses, written a decade ago, weave autobiographical elements with nostalgic references to John Mellencamp, BON JOVI and Bruce Springsteen classics. The elusive chorus finally came to Evick in an unexpected moment — during the celebration of life for his longtime friend and industry professional Robert Junior Jones. This timing followed a difficult year marked by the loss of several friends, including rock legend CJ Snare of FIREHOUSE.

"Out of nowhere after ten years, the chorus came to me in an instant," Evick says. "I'm not one to believe in this kind of stuff, but let's just say Junior Jones has been given a writing credit on this song."

The chorus of "Your Last One" resonates with universal significance: "So if you have a bucket list / You better get all those things done," Evick sings. "And if there's someone that you're thinking of / Don't forget to send your love."

It's a powerful message in a world full of uncertainty, with a hook and melody that will evoke memories of cherished days gone by – while urging you to treat every moment like it's your last.

"Your Last One" is out now and can be streamed on Spotify and downloaded on Apple Music.

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