June 4, 2008

BULLETBOYS has been confirmed for the Rocklahoma festival, set to take place July 9-13, 2008 at the Catch The Fever Festival Grounds, four miles north of Pryor, Oklahoma. The band will be make a special headline appearance on Sunday night, July 13 on the Tri-Label Stage. TRIUMPH and EXTREME are among the bands reuniting with all or most of their original lineups for this year's festival, which will also feature sets from NIGHT RANGER, CINDERELLA, Bret Michaels, TESLA, ARMORED SAINT, L.A. GUNS and many more. More than 85 bands in all will perform on three giant stages throughout the five days.

BULLETBOYS is currently in the studio working on its new album for a late 2008 release. The band's new track "Road To Nowhere" is available for streaming at this location.

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