CANDLEMASS Confirmed For Ireland's D.O.D. FESTIVAL

March 28, 2007

Swedish doom metal titans CANDLEMASS will play their first-ever Irish show at this year's D.O.D. Festival (formerly Day of Darkness) at Ballylinan, Co Laois, Ireland. This year's event takes place over two days on Friday, July 6 and Saturday, July 7 and is expected to be the biggest of its kind ever staged in Ireland. Eighteen Irish and international heavy metal acts will play over the two days. Confirmed so far are:


Tickets for the event will go on sale in early April.

For further information, visit

CANDLEMASS was recently confirmed for Metal Heart, a brand new two-day metal festival set to take place August 17-18 at Tapperiet in Notodden, Norway. The band is also scheduled to appear as the co-headliner of the 2007 edition of the Headbangers Open Air festival, which will be held July 12-14 in Brande-Hörnerkirchen, Germany.

CANDLEMASS will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a huge party at Stockholm's Kolingsborg on Saturday, March 31. CANDLEMASS will perform with no less than three (!) different vocalists — Johan Langquist, Tomas Vikström, and the band's latest addition, Robert Lowe of SOLITUDE AETURNUS).

Robert is currently laying down vocal tracks on CANDLEMASS' new album, "King of the Grey Islands", due on June 22 via Nuclear Blast Records.

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