CANNIBAL CORPSE Bassist Issues Japanese Tour Report

June 13, 2009

Bassist Alex Webster of Florida-based death metal veterans CANNIBAL CORPSE has penned the first entry of his new tour blog for the web site. An excerpt follows below.

"For this first edition, I'm writing to you from Osaka, Japan. We're currently on tour here; it's a three-show mini-tour consisting of Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. We've already played the first two shows of the tour and are currently taking a breather in Osaka before the final show in Nagoya.

"It's been 13 years since CANNIBAL's last tour of Japan, so we're extremely excited to finally be back. The tour has been fantastic, and right now I'd like to give you a little recap of how things have been so far.

"The first show of the tour was in Tokyo, so that was the city we flew into.

"We arrived early in the afternoon on Sunday, the day before the first show.

"The concert was booked into Tokyo's Club Quattro in the Shibuya district of the city.

"Although we were exhausted from the long flight from the United States, we decided to stay up the whole day in order to get on a good schedule. Keeping moving is pretty essential to staying awake after a long flight like that, so my wife (who was along for the trip) and I set out to explore the area around the hotel.

"It would really be hard to exaggerate just how awesome and overwhelming the bustling city of Tokyo can be for visitors — we were just blown away by the sights and sounds of this amazing city. The atmosphere was incredibly exciting, and despite our fatigue, we had no problems staying up the whole day as planned."

Read the entire blog at

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