CHESTER BENNINGTON's Ex-Wife Blasts Family Members 'Capitalizing On His Death'

August 24, 2017

Late LINKIN PARK singer Chester Bennington's ex-wife, Samantha Bennington, apparently targeted his widow Talinda in a lengthy public post on Facebook on Wednesday (August 23),saying that she and her son Draven were not allowed to speak at Chester's funeral, that the service itself resembled a radio festival and that there has been a "lack of respect and honesty" on the part of Talinda.

According to The Pulse Of Radio, Samantha wrote in part: "My son & I have not had an opportunity to speak not even at his funeral (that only represented his life that he was married to his new wife) no photos but one of him anywhere, it was more like checking into KROQ's Weinie [sic] Roast Festival . . . it was a disgusting delusional display on all people who spoke at the funeral & their characters."

Samantha claimed that Chester's parents were not at the funeral and not mentioned in the program, which she said looked like a "cheap happy hour menu."

On a different note, Samantha said that her son no longer wants to go to the house where his father died ā€” which Samantha claims is fueling rumors that she is keeping Draven from his siblings ā€” and that legally he had only gone there before when Chester was home.

Samantha continued: "My ex told me & shared a lot with Dra & Iā€¦ The truth on every level will come out." She finished by saying that she was "not speaking to just one person," adding, "I hope you like capitalizing on his death."

Samantha was married to Chester from 1996 until 2005. Their one son, Draven, was born on April 19, 2002. Chester married Talinda shortly after his divorce from Samantha, and had three children with her.

Chester committed suicide at the age of 41 on July 20. He was buried in a private service nine days later.

I have been a lady, I have kept my mouth shut. I hold my head up high but as my head starts to lower I'm not in my own...

Posted by Samantha Bennington on Wednesday, August 23, 2017

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