CHRIS CAFFERY Comments On Upcoming Shows

September 17, 2008

Guitarist Chris Caffery (SAVATAGE, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA),who recently completed work on his new solo album entitled "House Of Insanity", has scheduled the following dates:

Sep. 19 - Dingbatz - Clifton, NJ
Sep. 20 - Flushing Library - Flushing, NY

Commened Caffery: "The Friday and Saturday sets will be similar, but different if that makes any sense!!!

"Dingbatz is going to definitely be a bit more of a heavy set, but I am still going to play some heavy tunes at the library show. It will just be a different feel. This will be my first time onstage in many years with DOCTOR BUTCHER bassist Brian Gregory. I am really excited to have him play these shows. We are even opening the set with 'The Altar' from the DOCTOR BUTCHER CD. I haven't played this onstage since 1993!!! I am also going to play a couple brand new songs and some stuff I never played live before from my other CDs.

"For those of you wondering, the Flushing Library gig is a really cool venue. It is a small, brand new auditorium. I visited it last week and I was very impressed. I was, as many of you, expecting to see books and quiet people. This I did for sure...but the venue is not in that part of the building. This should be a really special gig. I am going to bounce back and forth between acoustic and electric guitars and the whole show should be a blast. I like this environment a lot. However, I can't swear. So, Friday night I will make sure to add a few extra 'f#%s' to 'Pisses Me Off'!!"

"House Of Insanity" is scheduled for release in October via Apple's iTunes Music Store.

Chris Caffery's last solo album, "Pins and Needles", was released in Europe in March 2007 via Metal Heaven Records. The CD arrived in North America in June 2007 via Locomotive.

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