CHUCK SCHULDINER's Estate Gets Ripped Off By ""

January 18, 2002

Jane Schuldiner, the mother of late DEATH/CONTROL DENIED frontman Chuck Schuldiner, has issued the following statement regarding the apparent misappropriation of funds received from the auction on Chuck's behalf:

Bethann (Chuck's sister) spent days trying to contact the people who had the auction. Through his Internet provider, it was discovered it was Thom Hazeart. Bethann also got his cell telephone number, and spoke directly to him, and he was outraged she had gotten the number. When she asked him about the proceeds from the auction, he said there was no money to send, he had spent it for postage and also there was no merchandise left, he had sold it all, and what difference did it make, Chuck was dead. Loathsome man. Chuck's attorneys have contacted the State Attorney's office in California and are investigating what charges are to be brought against him. I have contacted MTV because they had that information on their site to publicize the auction, innocently helping these people commit the worst kind of fraud, making money off a very, very bad, and ultimately fatal, illness. As a person, this would sicken me, as Chuck's mother, there are no words to express how horrified I am, and so sad for my son. It puts a slur on the wonderful efforts of so many to help Chuck, who unfortunately was made aware by friends this past year that those things were happening. I wish Chuck had never known that, it made him so sad and upset. I am writing this because I want you all to beware of the vultures out there making money off helpless victims. We, Chuck's family, will continue that fight on his behalf. Jane Schuldiner

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