CIRCLE II CIRCLE Complete Pre-Production For New Album
May 19, 2004CIRCLE II CIRCLE, the new band fronted by former SAVATAGE singer Zachary Stevens, have completed the pre-production for the group's much anticipated second release on AFM Records at Cabin Fever Studios in Brooksville, Florida.
Owned and operated by hit songwriter Troy Montgomery, Cabin Fever Studios is known for its privacy, excellent writing conditions, relaxed atmosphere, and a great a collection of guns, bow and arrows, and wildlife.
Commented Stevens: "When my manager suggested we all go up north and work at Cabin Fever Studios, I thought, 'Well, he's finally lost his fuckin' mind,' but after some convincing we decided to give it a shot... literally.
"We soon found out that this is really a great place to write songs. It puts you in a twisted frame of mind and creates new possibilities for lyrics. It's a pretty scary place at night and makes you write songs that reflect that kind of drama... It's really very cool... [SAVATAGE mastermind] Jon [Oliva], [SAVATAGE guitarist] Chris [Caffery], the band, and I have been working extra hard to make sure this next record really kicks serious ass!
"Cabin Fever Studios is the best way to get away from all the daily distractions and every day problems. Here we can concentrate and get things done. Plus, anytime we get bored or frustrated, we can just walk right out side and shoot guns or have an archery contest, this place rocks! We've spent as much money on ammo as we have studio time, I swear. Last week we saw about 10 wild boars (pigs) running through the yard... They're very aggressive and mean as hell... Lucky for them we were busy recording or it could have gotten messy."
Added Jon Oliva: "They should call this fuckin' place Friday the 13th Studios... or Slasher Studios. This place looks like a classic slasher-type 'Friday The 13th' movie at night... You even have to go outside to a separate building to go to the bathroom, it's dark as fuck and I keep thinking someone's going to jump out from behind a tree with an axe, or big knife. But yeah, this place is great during the day, there's dead animals on all the walls,.. It's a great vibe AND it has an rifle and archery range right on the property so whenever I get fuckin' pissed off, I can take out my frustrations with a shotgun. I just pretend it's my management and POW! POW!! POW!!!... It's all over then, partner!"