CIVILIZATION ONE: Debut Album Sample Available

February 16, 2007

CIVILIZATION ONE, the international musical entity "creating timeless heavy metal with neoclassical, symphonic aggression," has posted the track "Legends of the Past", which will be included on the band's forthcoming debut CD, "Revolution Rising", on its MySpace page.

Guitarist Aldo Lanobile (SECRET SPHERE) and drummer Luca Cartasegna (ex-SECRET SPHERE) began laying down their tracks for "Revolution Rising" las`t August in Alessandria, Italy at Secret Sphere Studios, where keyboards where recorded as well. Bassist Pierre-Emmanuel Pélisson (MALADAPTIVE; ex-HEAVENLY) recorded his tracks at his studio in France. The band itself produced these sessions. After all of the instrumental tracks were completed, singer Chity Somapala (RED CIRCUIT, FARO; Ex-FIREWIND) recorded his vocals at Bazement Studios in Germany, with Markus Teske (VANDEN PLAS, SYMPHONY X) producing.

CIVILIZATION ONE's "Revolution Rising" will feature nine songs and is scheduled for release later in the year. The band is in discussions with several prominent record labels, and a deal will be announced in the near future.

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