CLUTCH Announces Denver Radio Show Appearance

November 13, 2012

Before they hit the road for their annual holiday run, Maryland rockers CLUTCH will headline the KBPI "When Hell Freezes Over" event on December 21 at the Fillmore Auditorium in Denver, Colorado.

Commented drummer Jean-Paul Gaster: "We are excited to go back to Denver; it has been a while since we played there. We are even more excited to play some of the new songs from 'Earth Rocker' that night."

CLUTCH's holiday dates kick off December 26 in Washington, D.C. and conclude with a special New Year's Eve performance in Worcester, Massachusetts at The Palladium. The show originally scheduled for December 30 at Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, New Jersey has been moved to Allentown, Pennsylvania at Crocodile Rock due to damage sustained from Hurricane Sandy.

Tickets for the Allentown show will go on sale this Friday, November 15. Support on these shows will come from MONDO GENERATOR, SAVIOURS and WINO.

CLUTCH's new album, "Earth Rocker", will be released in March 2013 via the group's own Weathermaker Music label. The CD was produced by Machine (LAMB OF GOD, FOUR YEAR STRONG, FALL OUT BOY) and is described by CLUTCH guitarist Tim Sult as "the heaviest and fastest CLUTCH album to date."

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