TESTAMENT's ERIC PETERSON Featured In GIBSON TV's 'Riff Lords' Episode

January 9, 2025

Eric Peterson of TESTAMENT is featured in the latest episode of Gibson TV 's "Riff Lords", where your favorite guitar heroes and legends behind iconic riffs take you on a journey to master the songs that have defined generations. Learn to play TESTAMENT riffs with Peterson and learn more about his unique guitar tricks, techniques, chord phrasing, and playing style.

Peterson has been a thrash metal mainstay since co-founding TESTAMENT in 1983 and has influenced countless guitarists with his killer (and intricate) riffs, guitar techniques, and unique approach to chord phrasing, rhythm, and lead guitar. Grab your axe and hit play on this episode of "Riff Lords" to join Eric as he shows you how to play some of the most iconic TESTAMENT tracks that helped shape the metal scene.

In this episode of "Riff Lords", watch and learn how Peterson creates his thrash metal sound, his picking and riff-writing techniques, plus some backstory on how he wrote these parts. You'll get a behind-the-scenes look at his process while learning to play TESTAMENT classics like "Over The Wall" from "The Legacy" and "The Preacher" from "The New Order". Eric also breaks down some of TESTAMENT's heaviest songs, including "D.N.R. (Do Not Resuscitate)" from "The Gathering" and "Rise Up" from "Dark Roots Of Earth".

For acoustic fans, Eric plays stripped-down versions of "The Ballad" from "Practice What You Preach", plus more classic TESTAMENT guitar lessons that show you the correct way to play each riff, slowed down so you can follow along easily.

Find out how he gets his riff tones and the techniques that have kept TESTAMENT at the top of the heavy metal heap for decades. These TESTAMENT guitar lessons from Eric Peterson are must-see for any TESTAMENT fan and thrash metal enthusiast.

0:00 Eric Peterson introduces "Riff Lords"
0:44 "Over The Wall" from "The Legacy")
8:10 The story of "The Preacher"
8:52 "The Preacher" (from "The New Order")
17:37 "Practice What You Preach" (from "Practice What You Preach")
26:17 "The Ballad" (from "Practice What You Preach") (acoustic)
31:59 "Seven Days Of May" (from "Souls Of Black")
41:05 "Electric Crown" (from "The Ritual")
48:24 "Demonic Refusal" (from "Demonic")
53:50 "D.N.R. (Do Not Resuscitate)" (from "The Gathering")
59:58 "Rise Up" (from "Dark Roots Of Earth")
1:06:05 Final words and advice from Eric

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