June 25, 2024

CRAZY TOWN frontman Shifty Shellshock has died at the age of 49.

According to the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's web site, Shellshock — whose birth name was Seth Binzer — died at his home on Monday, June 24. A cause of death was not disclosed.

CRAZY TOWN's biggest hit was the 1999 single "Butterfly", which reached No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song sampled RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS' 1989 instrumental track "Pretty Little Ditty". CRAZY TOWN's debut album, "The Gift Of Game", sold 1.6 million units.

CRAZY TOWN split up up in 2003 but reformed in 2007 and released its third album, "The Brimstone Sluggers", in 2015.

Binzer had long struggled with substance abuse issues and appeared on various reality shows focusing on his efforts to beat his addiction, including "Celebrity Rehab" and "Sober House". In 2012, he was admitted to the hospital after losing consciousness and fell into a coma before recovering. Two years ago, he was arrested for a DUI.

In a 2001 interview with Rolling Stone, Binzer admitted that he had been arrested for shoplifting.

Seth is survived by his three children, Halo, Gage and Phoenix.

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