DAATH: New Video Interview Available

January 9, 2008

"Metal's Darkside" conducted an interview with DAATH during the band's most recent U.S. tour with DARK FUNERAL. Watch the chat at this location (Quicktime required).

DAATH is curently seeking a new vocalist following the recent exit of Sean Farber. The band is looking for a distinctive voice to augment its brutally unique sound and mirror its complex conceptual background. The group is looking for a vocalist with versatility, a touring heart and a fervent love for all DAATH has to offer. "We don't want a one-dimensional singer, we want someone diverse with range and power," says guitarist Eyal Levi. "We like vocalists with signature diversity such as Mikael Ã…kerfeldt, Vortex, Phil Anselmo and David Vincent."

DAATH completed the U.S. tour with DARK FUNERAL and NAGLFAR with longtime friend Sean Z filling in on vocal duties.

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