October 22, 2009

DANKO JONES' previously announced U.S. tour with THE DAMNED has been cancelled due to the fact that THE DAMNED "never managed to resolve their visa issues." The Canadian trio states, "This does, unfortunately, not only force us to miss out on all of our shows with them but also forces the cancellation of our headlining show in Youngstown on the 25th of October."

The affected dates are as follows:

Oct. 21 - Cleveland, OH - House Of Blues
Oct. 22 - Cincinnatti, OH - Bogarts
Oct. 23 - Pittsburgh, PA - Diesel
Oct. 24 - Detroit, MI - St Andrews Hall
Oct. 25 - Youngstown, OH - Cedars Lounge
Oct. 26 - Chicago, IL - The Metro
Oct. 28 - Denver, CO - Bluebird Theatre
Oct. 29 - Salt Lake City, UT - Club Vegas
Oct. 31 - Seattle, WA - Showbox SoDo
Nov. 01 - Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom

The DANKO JONES show in Tampa on November 25 at St. Pete Times Forum will not be affected by this.

DANKO JONES is currently working on adding some more U.S. dates for late November/early December.

For a list of upcoming shows, go to this location.

DANKO JONES's new album, "Never Too Loud", was released in the U.S. on September 8 via Bad Taste Records/Caroline.

Hailing from Toronto, the group — Danko Jones (lead vocals/guitars),John Calabrese (bass),Dan Cornelius (drums) — teamed with Grammy Award-winning producer Nick Raskulinecz (RUSH, FOO FIGHTERS, COHEED AND CAMBRIA, STONE SOUR, VELVET REVOLVER) and recorded "Never Too Loud" at Dave Grohl's Studio 606 in Los Angeles. Ted Jensen (GREEN DAY, REM) came onboard for mastering duties. "We really wanted to step it up sonically on this album, and Nick was the perfect guy for that," explains Danko Jones, the band's lead singer and guitarist.

The group tapped John Garcia of KYUSS fame and punk legend Pete Stahl (WOOL SCREAM, GOATSNAKE) for the six-minute SABBATH-influenced epic "Forest For The Trees". From first single and album opener, "Code of the Road", to the infectious melodies of "City Streets", to the Bon Scott-channeling title track, "Never Too Loud" showcases the group's adrenalized, raucous garage rock that encompasses everything that's fun about hard rock past and present.

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