December 1, 2006Swedish black metallers DARK FUNERAL have been confirmed for the Inferno festival, set to take place April 5-7, 2007 at the Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway. Headlining the event will be the reunited Norwegian black metallers IMMORTAL. Norway's DØDHEIMSGARD (DHG) is also slated to perform at the festival. The full lineup will be announced at the festival's kick-off party on February 3, 2007 at John Dee in Oslo.
For more information, visit www.infernofestival.net.
DARK FUNERAL will team up with ENSLAVED (Norway) and ABIGAIL WILLIAMS (USA) for the "Candlelight II: Phoenix Rising" North American tour beginning in early January.
DARK FUNERAL's latest album, "Attera Totus Sanctus", was recorded and mixed by Daniel Bergstrand (MESHUGGAH, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, IN FLAMES, BEHEMOTH) and Örjan Örnkloo (MISERY LOVES CO.) at Dug-Out studios in Uppsala, Sweden. Mastering duties were handled by Tomas Eberger at the Cutting Room in Stockholm, Sweden. The album features a guest appearance by former MESHUGGAH bassist Gustaf Hielm.
DARK FUNERAL currently features vocalist/bassist Emperor Magnus Caligula, guitarist Lord Ahriman, guitarist Chaq Mol, and drummer Matte Modin.