DARKANE Guitarist: 'We Will Rise Again Stronger Than Ever!'

September 10, 2007

Guitarist Christofer Malmström of the Swedish thrashers DARKANE has issued the following update:

"It's been a while. It seems like everything takes so much longer time when you have kids... and three of the DARKANE members got kids at about the same time, so we're all in the same boat.

"You might know by now that our vocalist Andreas Sydow quit the band about a month ago. You can read his statement at www.darkane.com. DARKANE will go on with a new vocalist and we will perform at ProgPower Scandinavia in Copehagen in November as planned.

"So what has happened except for that? Peter [Wildoer, drums] and Klas [Ideberg, guitar] recorded the new SOILWORK album in our studio called Not Quite Studio, which as of a few weeks back turned into Not At All Studios due to flooding and some major water damages. The band CONSTRUCDEAD was just about to enter and had to relocate to antother studio. The damages were so bad that we can't continue but have to find another place to build a new studio. Does this suck big time? Yes, it does! We don't have time for this. We were mixing the sound of the DVD, and we were about to start recording our fifth DARKANE album in about two months, but now we have to focus on finding a new place and start building the studio again.

"We recorded three albums in Not Quite Studio. The first one was 'Layers of Lies'. The second one was my solo album NON-HUMAN LEVEL, and the third one was the new SOILWORK.

"[But] enough of the whining... Of course we will rise again... stronger than ever!!! The new DARKANE album is as good as written, and don't expect anything other than brutal, fast, dramatic, heavy, well-played, well-sounding... well, well everything.... album. Just kidding, but I don't think anyone will be disappointed. DARKANE will stick to our style."

DARKANE's upcoming DVD was shot in May 2006 in the band's hometown of Helsingborg, Sweden. The band last year completed a European tour in support of their fourth album, "Layers of Lies", available now on Nuclear Blast Records. It is the follow-up to the band's third studio CD, "Expanding Senses", which was released in 2002.

DARKANE's "Secondary Effects" video:

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