VADER To Release 'Humanihility' EP; New Album To Be Recorded In The Fall

January 7, 2025

Polish death metal veterans VADER will release a new EP, "Humanihility", in the spring, to be followed by the recording of a new full-length album in the fall. Also planned for this year are the reissue of the classic "Black To The Blind" album (1997) and a summer tour to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the "Litany" LP, which will be performed live in its entirety.

VADER stated: "The year 2024 [has come] to an end. How was it for the band? As usual, it was very busy. We continued the 40th anniversary of VADER on tours in the USA/Canada and Europe. We played a few festivals in the summer — including Jarocin after 30 years of absence! At the end of August we returned to Grindstone Studio to record brand new material for an EP. We ended the year with the 'Freezing Hell' tour, which went around the Baltic Sea. 2024 is also another year played with Michal Andrzejczyk behind the drums. A few months ago, Michał also joined the happy endorsers of TAMA drums.

"And what about plans for 2025? The new year will be even more intense. First of all, this spring will see the release of the completely new EP 'Humanihility' since the release of 'Solitude In Madness' in 2020, as well as the long-awaited reissue of the classic album 'Black To The Blind' from 1997 in a new cover with the original cover by Jacek Wiśniewski. Both titles will be released by Nuclear Blast. The recording session for the next full length VADER album will also start in the fall of 2025! [This] year will also be VADER's return to the stages of summer festivals. And we will appear at 20 of them. 2025 will also be the 25th anniversary of the release of the album 'Litany'. Therefore, in the summer season, you will be able to hear the entire album as part of a concert set. Most of the songs from this classic album for the band have not been played since its premiere in 2000, and some have never been played. So 2025 will be absolutely explosive and truly vaderish \m/ And we already INVITE you ALL !!! Expect our arrival under the banner of Massive Music \m/"

Regarding the upcoming EP, VADER said: "Yesterday in Spiderclass studio in Wroclaw we were working on leads to the upcoming new VADER EP 'Humanihility' for Nuclear Blast. Mauser works on his part in home studio in U.K. too. This was a last step before final mix and master of the recording. Scott Atkins should finish the production in Grindstone Studio by middle of January. More details coming soon...."

VADER released its 16th studio album, "Solitude In Madness", in May 2020 via Nuclear Blast.

Photo courtesy of Tarja Virmakari PR

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