DARKTHRONE, PEACEVILLE Launch 'Goatlord' And 'Ravishing Grimness' Design Competitions

December 15, 2010

Norway's legendary black metal duo DARKTHRONE and Britain's independent heavy metal powerhouse Peaceville Records will continue to re-release new editions of classic DARKTHRONE albums, from the recently acquired Moonfog Productions catalogue titles. To celebrate the release of the next two titles to be reissued, "Goatlord" and "Ravishing Grimness", the band and label are calling on fans to create new artwork for the now-classic albums.

DARKTHRONE guitarist/vocalist Nocturno Culto issued the following statement: "We are pleased to announce that Peaceville/Snapper has bought the entire Moonfog catalogue of DARKTHRONE, that is seven albums in total. The plan is to release these albums within the next year, with new distro network and fresh thinking around these albums.

"There are two albums that will have entirely new cover artwork: 'Ravishing Grimness' and 'Goatlord'. This is a decision that is made by Fenriz and myself. And the idea now is that we are making a competition out of this. If you now feel the urge to contribute to this competition, you are most welcome to send in your art to Peaceville. Only serious contributions will reach Fenriz and me to decide upon. Thank you in advance, we're looking forward to this."

Submissions should be e-mailed to competition@peaceville.co.uk before January 31.

Head over to this location for full terms and conditions.

The "Goatlord" and "Ravishing Grimness" re-releases will be available later next year.

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