DAVE LOMBARDO's VENAMORIS Project To Release 'To Cross Or To Burn' Album In February

January 8, 2025

VENAMORIS, the project featuring legendary extreme metal drummer Dave Lombardo (SLAYER, FANTÔMAS, TESTAMENT, MR. BUNGLE, MISFITS, DEAD CROSS) and his wife Paula, will release its sophomore album, "To Cross Or To Burn", on February 28 via Ipecac Recordings.

Alongside the album announcement, VENAMORIS has unveiled "Animal Magnetism", a striking cover of SCORPIONS' 1980 love song. The haunting rendition features a guest appearance from Dave's former bandmate, Gary Holt (EXODUS, SLAYER). The song is accompanied by a Displaced/Replaced-created video.

Dave reflects on the personal significance of including "Animal Magnetism" on "To Cross or To Burn": "The first rock concert I ever attended was on May 25, 1980, with SCORPIONS opening for Ted Nugent's 'Scream Dream' tour. We (SLAYER) had covered a couple SCORPIONS songs in the early years, but I never would have thought of re-imagining one of their songs at that time. Now it seems like the most natural thing to do. I could hear Paula's sultry voice, the song taking on a slightly industrial feel… and I could fully hear Gary Holt play this insane lead. It's been incredible to see this idea come to life. To release this at the same time this iconic band celebrates 60 years is a perfect way for me to thank them for an inspiring first show in 1980 and for all that they have contributed since."

The married duo teased "To Cross or To Burn"'s 2025 arrival with the 2024 singles "In The Shadows" and "Spiderweb", which were praised for their unique sound — described by Consequence as "trip-hop style" fused with "the dark/folk metal of Emma Ruth Rundle and Chelsea Wolfe", while Revolver has described the pair as "spellbinding."

Paula, who wrote the album's nine-original songs, offers insight into the album: "'To Cross Or To Burn' has taken us down a darker, very different path than our first album. There's a confidence in this body of work. An overall vibe of heaviness that was unexpected. Verses of hard truths now bound in acceptance. The soul-searching continues."

"To Cross Or To Burn" is available for pre-order now with the collection available digitally, on CD and on both white and limited-edition red vinyl.

"To Cross Or To Burn" track listing:

01. Stay With Me
02. In The Shadows
03. Truth
04. Stain of Pain
05. Spiderweb
06. Burnt Paper
07. Holding On To Nothing
08. Animal Magnetism
09. Numb
10. To Cross Or To Burn

Guests include:

Roberto "Ra" Díaz - bass on "Stain Of Pain"
Trevor Dunn - contrabass on "Stay With Me"
Gary Holt - guitar on "Animal Magnetism"
Alex Skolnick - guitar on "Stain Of Pain" and "Burnt Paper"

The indefatigable Dave Lombardo's bona fides as a world-class drummer are well-known. While he drafted the blueprint that would define thrash-metal drumming, he's also applied his finesse to solo percussion (2023's "Rites Of Percussion"),hip-hop and classical music, as well as boundary-pushing recordings and performances with everyone from John Zorn's ensembles to punk icons MISFITS and MR. BUNGLE. "To Cross Or To Burn" is another milestone in his storied career, where he's added guitar, bass and considerable production techniques to his sonic skill-set.

Canadian-born Paula Lombardo began her musical career at 18 as a backing singer for Las Vegas icon Wayne Newton, performing multiple shows in the demanding Vegas circuit before relocating to Nashville to further her musical career. A dynamic musical force, she combines impressive vocal prowess, a deftness on piano and synthesizers with a natural instinct for crafting alluring lyrics, melodies and arrangements.

Photo credit: Hannah Verbeuren

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