DEMIANS Interview, Music Featured In New SPV Audio Podcast

September 18, 2008

SPV Audio Podcast #10 features music and an interview with the French progressive rock band DEMIANS. It can be streamed below.

DEMIANS released its debut album, "Building an Empire", in May via InsideOut Music. The initial pressing came in a lavish digipack and contained a nine-minute bonus track.

Steven Wilson of PORCUPINE TREE stated about DEMIANS: "One of the most assured and accomplished debut albums I've ever heard, the textures and dynamics within the music are breathtaking. A must for anyone that appreciates the art of epic and ambitious 21st century rock music."

What started as Nicolas Chapel's individual project has evolved into a real band, and Chapel left himself plenty of time to recruit the right musicians for his musical ambitions. He has teamed up with drummer Michaƫl Roponus, bassist Antoine Pohu and keyboardist Anthony Broggia, who passed their baptism of fire live on stage last year and are eager to play as many shows as possible in 2008.

How does Nicolas Chapel feel about the unexpected praise from his renowned colleague, Steven Wilson? "To be honest, I haven't really begun to realize what is happening," he said. "I'm speechless just knowing that he feels so strongly about an album I've put so much of myself into. Everything I could tell you about Steven Wilson would involve respect and inspiration, so I feel honored just thinking he said something so encouraging."

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