October 28, 2010

According to WLWT-TV, images of members of the bands AVENGED SEVENFOLD, STONE SOUR and DISTURBED are inexplicably featured on a flyer that was released this week by a candidate for Campbell County Attorney in Kentucky.

On one side of the ad, local lawyer Jim Daley states: "It's a fact: Steve Franzen [Daley's opponent] has made a living defending criminals charged with: child pornography, unlawful transactions with minors, custodial interference, assaults on police officers, drug trafficking, and the list goes on ... Now he wants you to trust him to be your County Attorney? He's gotta be kidding."

The other side features images of members of the above-mentioned bands taken from their publicity stills with the warning, "On November 2 tell Steve Franzen you don't trust someone who makes a living defending criminals to serve as your County Attorney."

"I think the whole thing is despicable, frankly," Franzen told WLWT-TV. "Supposedly they're my clients, but I haven't seen any of these people. I don't know anything about them, other than I'm told they're professional rock musicians."

Franzen said he assumed that Daley had gotten permission to use the bands' likenesses in the ad, but a source close to DISTURBED confirmed to MTV News that the band was not approached by Daley's camp or asked permission to use their photos on the flyer and added that the band has sent a cease-and-desist order demanding Daley "immediately stop distributing the flyer and destroy any remaining copies in his possession."

Justin Verst, the chair of "Keep James A. Daley County Attorney", who paid for the flyer, told Cincinnati.com that it was produced by the group's paid consultants, November Strategies and that it went out with his group's permission.

"We specifically asked them, 'Who are these people,' and they said, 'These are some people we have on file,'" Verst said.

Verst told Cincinnati.com "Keep James A. Daley County Attorney" is no longer working with November Strategies.

Kathy Groob, a managing partner at November Strategies along with Jeff Groob, denied that her company produced the flyer.

Watch WLWT-TV's report at this location.

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