July 16, 2012

Emiliano Cantiano of Groove Portal conducted an interview with drummer Mike Mangini of progressive metal giants DREAM THEATER during Mike's recent Italian clinic tour. You can now watch the chat below.

In a November 2011 interview with Classic Rock Revisited, Mangini was asked how it feels to be the newest member of DREAM THEATER. "It is such a feeling of completeness for me," he replied. "The way that I set up my drum kit is completely unique and I have never been in a band that understood how I did things. Each of the members of this band understands why I have everything set up the way I do. I feel like a piece of me is complete. It is like when you decide to go to college, you may study business but you end up playing soccer; you just don't know how it is all going to fit together. I have found a home for all of the craziness of my playing. I'm really a fortunate person."

When asked if he was nervous, during his DREAM THEATER audition, Mangini said, "The nerves didn't get to me. I've had approximately 46 auditions in my past and I've won every one of them — that includes drum contests. I won from elementary school to state in high school to drum contests to trying out for bands. I think that is because I was the same person through all of them. I worry that someone is out there working harder than me; that makes me put my head down and try harder. When this situation came up, I was used to dealing with this type of a thing. What made this different was how I fit in. I had been practicing all of these years wondering where I would be able to use all of my skills. I had used most of them in one situation, or another, but I wanted a situation where I could use all of them. I couldn't imagine not getting in DREAM THEATER. What was different this time was that I knew I had to get into this band."

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