DUFF MCKAGAN's LOADED: Second Webisode Available

June 25, 2008

LOADED, the band formed by current VELVET REVOLVER bassist Duff McKagan (on guitar and vocals) after he left GUNS N' ROSES, has posted the second webisode (see below) featuring footage from the recording sessions for the group's new album, to be released before the end of the year. The sessions with producer Martin Feveyear are progressing well and they band already has four new tracks ready "Roll Away", "Forgive Me", "Sick" and "No More".

In addition to McKagan, LOADED features drummer Geoff Reading (GREEN APPLE QUICK STEP),bassist Jeff Rouse (VENDETTA RED, ALIEN CRIME SYNDICATE) and guitarist Mike Squires (ALIEN CRIME SYNDICATE).

LOADED will embark on a European tour in September. Support on the UK/Ireland portion of the trek will come from THE LOYALTIES.

LOADED was formed in 1999 and has morphed several times, releasing two albums: 1999's "Live Episode" and 2001's "Dark Days".

McKagan and the rest of VELVET REVOLVER are reportedly recording demos for their next album while they search for a replacement for singer Scott Weiland.

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