Ex-ICED EARTH/DEATH Drummer In 'Make-Out' Prank On CNN; Video Available

September 16, 2008

A short video clip of former ICED EARTH/DEATH drummer Richard Christy, who currently works for "The Howard Stern Show", and "The Howard Stern Show" writer Sal The Stockbroker "making out" on CNN yesterday (Monday, September 15) during a live broadcast from Lehman Brothers' New York headquarters near Times Square can be viewed below.

Christy has played in many bands, including ICED EARTH, BURNING INSIDE, DEATH and CONTROL DENIED. Christy joined DEATH after meeting their leader Chuck Schuldiner in a bookstore while the band was looking for a new drummer after the departure of Gene Hoglan. Christy recorded three albums with DEATH (the critically-acclaimed "The Sound of Perseverance", released in 1998; "Live in L.A. (Death & Raw)", 2001; and "Live in Eindhoven", also 2001) and one album with CONTROL DENIED, "The Fragile Art of Existence", which came out in 1999.

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